Thank you for volunteering as a Team Manager for your child's hockey team! The team manager is a crucial role for the team in ensuring a fun and successful season.
The team manager is in charge of coordination and communication of all operational aspects of your Thunderbird Youth Hockey Team. You are the main liaison and support between the coaching staff, TYH team, and parents. You are the key communicator and organizer for parents and coaches to ensure a smooth and successful season.
The Team Manager is the machine that keeps the team running. The manager has many roles. The team Manager is responsible for and must be dedicated to the overall organization and cooperation between coaches, players, parents and the Association.
- Attend mandatory manager meetings
- Team Communications
- Team Treasurer (manage team funds)
- Team webmaster (home page, calendar updates, game updates)
- Schedule or confirm scrimmages
- Assign parents as game day volunteers
- Manage game day tasks
- Responsible for Game Sheets
- Plan team social events
- Create roster cards for parents
- Manage all tournament details
- Book additional tournaments (if desired by coaches and team) *need TYH approval
- Plan season end Team celebration event
- Coordinate Open Skate Team Assignments
**Ask for help! Parents are always willing to help out!
Service Hour Credits
Team Managers - 50% reduction on service hours.
Helpful Links
(Make a copy and create your own score sheet labels. Use Avery label #8163)
Crossbar Links
TM Registration
USA Hockey requires registration is done online on a yearly basis. All ice hockey team managers are required to be registered.
USA Hockey requirements must be completed before participating in any team activities.
- Name, gender, and date of birth
- Address, phone number, and email
- USA Hockey number
- Background check (every 2 years)
- Safe Sport certification
Follow registration Steps
- Register with USA Hockey Click here for more information. Be sure to save your confirmation number. This number will be used to register with TYH. (volunteer registration is free).
- Complete Background Check: USA Hockey requires all team managers to have a background check. These background checks expire every two years. The cost is $30 and can be submitted for reimbursement Click here.
- Register for the current season. (Return to and click create an account (If you don't have one) and complete the team manager registration from the +Registration button.)
- Complete SafeSport Training: Program offered by USA Hockey, training to prevent abuse. 90 minute course that must be completed by all Coaches and Managers on USA Hockey. If you have been a manager/coach before, you will still need to complete the 30 minute refresher each season Click here for more information. (Required every year and cannot be added to a roster until completed. Save a copy of the PDF of your USA Hockey Safe Sport Completion Receipt email as it will need to be submitted as your proof of completion.)
- Read the SCA Coaches Fact Sheet found here.
- Submit reimbursement form found below (send the reimbursement form and receipts to our treasurer)
TM Pregame Tasks
Weekly Email Reminder
On your Team Page, the "Team Feed" is the best place to email all players and parents.
- Team Feed posts will prompt emails that individuals can respond to, but the Team Feed posts will not also post in the App's Team Chat.
- Include the following:
- Game days
- Times
- Rink & Opponents
- Parent duties
- Remind parents to check the app regularly for updates.

Checks Prior to Game day
- Check the opposing teams team page to confirm their scheduled date, time and location aligns with ours.
- Confirm with opposing teams Team Manager that scheduled date, time and location align as well.
- Check MHR to see opposing teams seating in comparison to ours
- Assign parent duties and assignments to each game via Crossbar app
- Send out reminder emails to parents
- Confirm team roster via Crossbar rsvp
- Send reminder about rsvp to undetermined respondents
- Print score sheet stickers